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Nick Powills: Other People Don’t Get to Tell You What You Get to Have

Even if they’re Santa Claus.

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
Updated 11:11AM 12/27/19

For many of you, Santa came to town yesterday.

The unfortunate thing about Santa is that he gets to decide what you get—even if it’s not what you want.

When I was a kid, I saved up a ton of joy (and started listening to Christmas music in October) for this powerful day. I checked my list, I checked it twice. I was certainly nice. Yet, sometimes, I didn’t get what I wanted (sometimes got Kohl’s clothes instead—or a jean jacket). 

Reflecting back though, I often created strategies to get what I wanted—starting on December 26th.

One year, because I was awful at reading maps, my parents got me a GPS. Makes sense. But, I wanted a sick TV. I returned as much as possible to get that TV. While I may have remained lost on the streets (might have even been lost going to Best Buy), I worked the collective to get what I wanted.

Years later, I look back on that moment, and many more, as an important part of my daily hustle and grind. If I want something, I fight to go get it—especially in my career. The second I stop is the second I slow.

So, as you reflect on this year and think about the  next, what are you going to own? What are you going to go get? There is tremendous value in the choice (as I have written about before); value in the dream; and value in the execution.

Are you going to let the world decide what level of success you have next year? Or, are you going to tell Santa to get back on the sleigh because you got shit to get done.

When you don’t get what you want, you may just have to fight a little harder to get there.