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Non-Profit Organization: Employment Help is the #1 Thing Veterans Want Post-Service

Both veterans and military spouses often have a hard time when it comes to the job search, according to Hire Heroes CEO Christopher Plamp.

The number one thing veterans want when they leave military service is help finding a job, according to a Fox Business report.

Fox Business sat down with Hire Heroes CEO Christopher Plamp. Hire Heroes is a nonprofit organization that provides veterans and military spouses with services to help them on the job hunt.

Plamp acknowledged that while corporate America is filled with programs aimed at veteran employment, that doesn’t make the job hunt any easier.

“The individuals getting out haven’t done some of the things we consider normal,” Plamp told Fox Business. “They’ve never done a resume. They’ve never done an interview. They don’t have a LinkedIn profile. They’ve never gone through the process so they just don’t know how to get there and so the vast bulk still need that help.”

Check out the full interview at Fox Business.