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NRA Show Topic: Secrets to Winning Mom

This year the National Restaurant Association Show is hosting a forum on winning moms over.  According to the NRA Show, “More than 80 percent of families say mom controls most of the money, especially in the food category. If you're looking for sales gains, higher check averages, or increased loyal.....

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
SPONSOREDUpdated 3:15PM 05/07/14
This year the National Restaurant Association Show is hosting a forum on winning moms over.  According to the NRA Show, “More than 80 percent of families say mom controls most of the money, especially in the food category. If you're looking for sales gains, higher check averages, or increased loyalty from families, you need to win Mom.” The US Census estimates that there are 82.5 million mothers of all ages in the US, from Baby Boomer “soccer moms” to the Gen X and Echo Boom “iMom.”  The Moms market is continually self-renewing; approximately 4 million babies are born each year, 40-percent are to first-time mothers.  Source: eMarketer (2013) This is why it is so important to know your market and know how to earn their trust. Rachel Glasson, owner of baby boutique Twinkle Twinkle Little One, has a business focused solely on winning moms’ dollars. “’Mom’ is changing. Once you bring a child into the world your priorities shift.  Where you once wanted to splurge on yourself, it is now about indulging your child,” said Glasson.  “People are more practical with how they are spending their money.  They are willing to spend more if it is a long term purchase. To them it makes more sense to spend it once and do it right.  This is why it is so important for us to customize the perfect experience for mom.” When and where you reach mom is always changing, especially with busy moms who are multi-tasking and often times juggling schedules, work, chores, cooking and more. Advertising director and mom of three young kids, Lori Schwartz, said, “Reach me when I'm in the mindset to purchase that product.  I'm often on the go and not sitting and watching TV.” According to PunchTab, moms trust what they read online and that is typically their first stop.  84 percent of moms go online when looking for product or brand recommendations. Glasson added, “Technology and being accessible all the time is really important for moms.  Also, a lot of the mom industry is trust and word of mouth.  Referrals really make a difference.” A book focused on marketing to mothers, Trillion-Dollar Moms by Maria T. Bailey & Bonnie Worthy Ulman, asked moms if they would rather get information from a celebrity mom or an experienced mom like themselves; 67 percent said they would more likely turn to a peer. Moms want to feel confident in their decisions.  Schwartz applies this to everything she does for her family.  She is also always budget-conscious to ensure she can maximize her dollars.  “When it comes to food I look at costs and prices,” said Schwartz.  “I try to go to Costco for what I can and Trader Joes and Whole Foods for healthier choices.  When choosing a restaurant it needs to be kid friendly and we often look for kids eat free nights.” Incentive programs are also a big pull for moms.  They keep moms coming back, and provide discounts and prizes for loyalty. Moms and their needs are constantly changing.  A new mom is going to be more impressionable, but also will be looking for friend and family recommendations. But if you get in with them from the start, they could be customers for life. Mom and her role are also constantly evolving.  But one thing remains the same – a majority of moms hold the purse strings when it comes to spending on the children. As I always say, “I’m the Mother, I’m the Boss!”