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A Day In The Life of Paris Baguette Multi-Unit Franchisee Meghna Negandhi

A love for food and bringing the community together inspires Negandhi, who says talking with customers is the best part of her day-to-day work.

By Sara Sybert1851 Franchise Staff Writer
SPONSOREDUpdated 12:12PM 03/02/22

Meghna Negandhi says she has always loved what food does for people: bringing them together, allowing their taste buds to explore new flavors and the feeling a cook gets when they’re able to serve something they are proud of.

When Negandhi was searching for a new career opportunity, it was that love for food that inspired her to invest in global bakery café franchise Paris Baguette

“I love cooking and serving people and being able to share my love for food with them,” she said. “And I love being a part of the food and dining industry. I knew that turning to franchising was going to allow me to share my love for food with others while giving me the blueprint to running my own business.”

Upon visiting a different Paris Baguette location, Negandhi said she was intrigued by the distinctive product offering at the bakery café. “My son loves the chocolate cake from Paris Baguette, so it only made the idea of joining the Paris Baguette family as a franchisee that much sweeter,” she said. “I had already tried most of the products on the menu, and when I compared it to other potential franchise options, Paris Baguette stood out — I love the brand’s growth, support of its franchisees and the incredible menu.”

Negandhi is a multi-unit Paris Baguette owner in New York City, with locations in Astoria and Jackson Heights. She was born in Mumbai, India, where she also attended university. Following her graduation with an MBA, she went into telecommunications before transitioning to an advertising agency where she worked as a project manager.

Now, Negandhi proudly interacts with all of the customers who walk through the doors of her Paris Baguette locations. While she has managing partners who are always in the store, she ensures that she visits at least one location each day to talk to guests when they come in and take a moment to savor the joyful look on their faces.

Negandhi’s Jackson Heights location is three years old, so her decision to expand to Astoria came after she established herself with the initial location. As far as further expansion with Paris Baguette locations, she said that she thinks of opening new locations in terms of raising children. 

“I want to give my stores time to learn and grow,” she said. “While I would like to open even more locations down the road, I want to first set myself up for success at open locations that have become part of the community. We want to make sure our stores are helping customers to feel like they’re home before we turn to further expansion.” 

“It’s all about putting smiles on the faces of people who walk through the door,” said Negandhi. “I love getting to know the people in our community and seeing how a stop at Paris Baguette can make their day better.

How Paris Baguette is Giving Back to the Astoria and Jackson Heights Communities

Not only does Negandhi and her son love the products and the atmosphere Paris Baguette offers, but so do the customers. “Most of my customers are families, and most of the time I have a three-year-old walking in with me, so offering a family-friendly atmosphere on top of the unique bakery experience is really important to me,” she added.

Negandhi is a family-oriented person, so the opportunity to franchise with Paris Baguette was a perfect fit. She said she also appreciates the way that other families are drawn to the brand, where they feel they can come in for a cup of coffee and hang out for a while.

In an effort to give back to the community, Negandhi works with several community leaders and people in the neighborhoods she serves. “At the beginning of COVID, our store in Jackson Heights worked with soup kitchens to give out free meals to those who needed them,” she said. “We’re in a community that was really hit hard by the pandemic, and we wanted to be there to take care of the people who are part of our community.”

Additionally, the store also donates school lunches to teachers and students. Although the Astoria location is still new, it is close to a hospital and pastries are often donated to the nursing department. “It’s so important to give back, especially during this difficult time,” she said. “We want to show that we’re here to support the community and do whatever we can to help.”

The total investment to franchise with Paris Baguette ranges from $528,270 and $1,638,554, including a $50,000 franchise fee. For more information, please visit:

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.