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Fox News: Paris Baguette Comes To FOX Square for Breakfast

Paris Baguette joined Fox and Friends for pastries and a chat about its impressive 2023 expansion plans.

By Morgan Wood1851 Franchise Contributor
Updated 2:14PM 06/06/23

Paris Baguette, the bakery café franchise with 4,000 units worldwide and over 130 locations currently open in the U.S., joined Fox and Friends to chat about its upcoming growth plans over breakfast.

“We have 135 locations currently across the U.S. in 27 states with 10 more on the horizon,” explained Darren Tipton, chief executive officer of Paris Baguette. “We have 60 cafés currently under construction, and we’re on our way to 1,000 units by 2030, so we’re excited.”

As the brand continues to dominate the market, the quality, fresh-baked nature of its cakes, breads and pastries serve as a key differentiator. When asked how the brand grew to be the number one franchise in the baked goods space, Tipton simply said, “Take a look,” gesturing at a lineup of professionally-baked cakes and pastries.

“We have masters at work. This is what it’s about,” he said. “Bakers and cakers really doing it. Everything is baked and made in-house.”

In the coming years, as the brand eyes the 1,000-unit mark, it is looking to expand in Florida, Arizona, Texas, Ohio, North Carolina, South Carolina and the DMV. 

With double-digit increases in year-over-year sales and a continued upward trajectory in guest count and guest sentiment since 2019, Paris Baguette has proven its ability to not just persevere but truly succeed despite uncertain market conditions, making it a strong business opportunity for franchisees interested in bringing a true bakery café to their local communities.

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*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.