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Perks and Pitfalls of Restaurant Kiosks

These technological installations can help boost check sizes and spread awareness of philanthropic causes, but lack a personal touch.

Self-serve kiosks are becoming an increasingly present feature at many restaurant chains. According to a recent article in SmartBrief, these technological installations come with a series of benefits and drawbacks. Before investing in the kiosks, a brand should research and weigh these factors.

Kiosks can drive larger check sizes, as more customers are likely to opt for customization when ordering through them. They also provide a platform for brands to showcase philanthropic efforts and encourage guests to donate. This allows them to eliminate the possibility that a server may forget to mention the opportunity.

Despite these benefits, there are also challenges to consider. Eliminating human interaction can cause a less satisfying experience for some diners. Kiosks also require customers to all touch the same screens before handling their food. If the screens are not cleaned frequently, it can be a potential health hazard.

Read the full article here.