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Phoenix IHOP Is Home To Franchisee-Initiated Bar Concept

Rise N Shine offers a full-service bar experience within the local IHOP restaurant, serving up specialty drinks ranging from the Mulemosa to the Blue Roof Bloody Mary.


The IHOP in Phoenix, Arizona boasts a unique addition to the brand’s standard experience. According to a recent article in Nation's Restaurant News, this restaurant is home to a full-service bar named Rise N Shine. A few specialty drinks include the Mulemosa, Blue Roof Bloody Mary and Frozen Rooty Rita.

“This was a unique opportunity that an IHOP franchisee identified and worked closely with the brand to make happen,” said spokesperson Stephanie Peterson. “Some of our most successful innovations over the last 60 years have started with our franchisees bringing ideas forward.”

The location had been home to a Lone Star Steakhouse before and had a pre-existing bar and liquor license. The brand has reported positive feedback on the Rise N Shine bar thus far.

Read the full article here.

Photo Courtesy of @TheDailyMeal on Twitter