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POWILLS: If You Don’t Love What You Do, Quit or Change

The vast majority of people (I’m talking 99 percent) will read that headline, pause, daydream for a few minutes and go back to doing what they dislike. They won’t speak up or suggest a solution. Most likely, they are the people who only complain about problems, yet never offer solutions. These pe.....

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
SPONSORED 11:11AM 10/31/13
The vast majority of people (I’m talking 99 percent) will read that headline, pause, daydream for a few minutes and go back to doing what they dislike. They won’t speak up or suggest a solution. Most likely, they are the people who only complain about problems, yet never offer solutions. These people will remain stranded in a job that lacks purpose, promise or positivity. In fact, by this time, you (one of the 600 people who read this column—yes, I said 600) are probably saying, “That’s not me,” or, “That may be me now, however, I plan on making a change when the timing is right.” You are probably one of those people who have talked about the leap, or about writing a book, or about losing weight at the turn of the year. If you are one of these people, then you are in the 99 percent. And that’s OK, because you are in the majority. The other 1 percent – you are the risk takers. You are the ones who have a firm grip on what you want to accomplish and when you want to accomplish it by. You were the girl who said you would be married by 30 or that person who said you would make $100,000/year in your career by X year. Regardless of what pile of people you fall into, perhaps this is your moment to stop hating what you do and start loving. Negative people suck. That said, not all negative people are negative all the time. They are typically influenced by some poison of a person who is always talking about hate—job, life, love, family.  The poison people are in that 99 percent. They are people who have no problem collecting a paycheck, yet are afraid to take a stand, stop being negative, and start being positive doing something they love. If people would just do what they love, the world would be a better place. I know that by writing this, I take the risk that someone I work with may read this and say, “I don’t love PR, so I quit.” I am OK with that risk, because frankly, if you don’t love what you do, you will be much happier and healthier doing what you do love. Ideally, though, they will read it and say I want to make a change. Perhaps they would rather work in the social media side of our business or in marketing. Both options are possible in a work environment that encourages change and happiness. I know I have a lot to learn in life, but I understand that it is short and your last beat is, in most cases, uncontrollable. I have heard many great people talk about loving every breath. I agree. And so should you. With many hours being spent in the working world, you should find ways to adjust your day to make it more positive or to find the right place that makes you happy. I would be somewhat hypocritical if I said do what you love 100 percent of the time, because 30 percent of my day, I don’t love what I do. The 70/30 rule is perfect in the work world, though. Don’t be afraid to ask your boss for adjustments to ensure this ratio, especially if you love the workplace just not everything you do. You don’t have to wait until New Years to take a stand. Do it now. Turn over a new leaf. Make adjustments, or, if the workplace is too brutal, quit. While it may be scary to lose a paycheck for a few weeks, you are more likely to find your love if you take that risk. Most likely, if you are still reading and you are in the 99 percent, decide (right now) to make the change. Stop doing what you hate, and start doing what you love. I do.