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Powills: Would Your Life Be Different if You Switch ‘No’ with ‘Yes?’

The exercise of thinking about your answers differently can extend to your viewpoints on whether the glass is half empty or full.

Such a simple question, yet it’s full of large possibilities: what would happen in your world if you started saying “yes” instead of “no?”

Or, what would happen if you reflected back on your past decisions by looking at them in a different light? What if you had turned your nos into yeses? What would your life look like? Would you have a different job? Would you have a different home? Would you have a different level of happiness?

While it seems like such a simple switch, when you’re reflecting on all of the nos that have been delivered, the results would be giant. Really giant.

Would you like fries with that? Yes. Would you like to try something different? Yes. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to make a company great? Yes.

The exercise of thinking about your answers differently can extend to your viewpoints on whether the glass is half empty or full. A glass that’s half empty is typically a more combative approach to communication, whereas the full glass drives answers toward endless possibilities.

I think a lot about half-full vs. half-empty (yes vs. no) as it relates to building a team. I don’t simply mean a team of people/bodies; I mean a team where backs are covered, collaboration is high and trust is given. You can quickly gauge the intent of teammates based on their responses. Are they open to possibilities? Do they care? Are they comfortable with accountability?

The true difference between a great company and a less than great company is within the people structure. Without great people, a great idea is only that. With great people, accountability and adherence to core values, anything is possible. With more yeses than nos, I believe the greater option can be accomplished.

How do you get a team to “yes?” Not to the point where they’re saying “yes” to everything for the sake of it, but more so that they’re sharing a viewpoint of positivity and solution.

I don’t know if you can change humans. Attitudes are optimistic or pessimistic based on life’s experiences. But, I believe core values can help you set the tone for what you expect. At our company, No Limit Agency*, 1851 Franchise and ESTATENVY, our core values are Culture of Respect, Give A Shit and Anything is Possible. Those are meaningful actions and values that impact both internal and external results. They also set up our expectations (especially the last one) that we will start with “yes,” and when we encounter challenges, we will adapt and create a new solution. That mindset is defined and written on our conference room walls.

However, where we struggle as a business is to adhere to those standards. When we (especially me) allow people within the culture to compete against the core values, it creates a zone where nos can overtake yeses. The solution? Offer productive solutions to those who aren’t participating in the buy-in of the company. If those solutions are not solved, productively move them out and into a business that will make them happier.

At the end of the day, you control the words that come out of your mouth. Try, for the sake of taking a baby step, to adjust your thinking to be more positive. Try to be more grateful. Try to be more positive. Try to buy into the vision of the company you work with. To find true happiness – it truly starts with you.

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.