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QSR: Can Baby Boomers Save the Fast-Food Industry?

Recent research shows that consumers who are 50 or older will make up 62 percent of fast-food consumption.

Major fast-food chains like McDonald’s that are struggling this year have good reason for a new marketing approach, now that research showing a majority of fast-food consumers are baby boomers, meaning 50 years and older. According to MRI research from spring 2016, 62 percent of fast-food consumers over the next 10 years will come from baby boomers. In a time where businesses have been aiming focus towards millennials, this is big news.

QSR Magazine broke down three ways that marketers can shift their gears when trying to reach a different target audience: focusing on quick service, providing healthy menu options and making it easy for grandparents to take their grandchildren to a fast-food restaurant.

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