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QSR Magazine; Classic Chain Pizza Inn Gets in the Quick-Service Game

The brand's new concept includes three types of models for potential franchisees to choose from when buying into the franchise.

Pizza Inn will be offering fans a new venue for enjoying quality meals. According to a recent article in QSR Magazine, the brand recently introduced a variation of its concept called Pizza Inn Express–PIE for short–as a quick-service option to be introduced at convenience stores.

 “We feel like we can present a high-quality pizza product in a venue where maybe the customer expectations aren’t very high for the quality. If we can exceed those expectations and do a small menu very consistently well, we think we’re going to offer operators a great value and a great way to drive profitability," said president Bob Bafundo.  

The chain will embrace kiosk technology at these concepts, allowing guests to order their food efficiently and then take it to go. Pizza Inn's express model will be available in three different layouts designed based on the setting: travel plaza, airport and one that can be customized to fit an existing venue.

“We're already seeing great interest from existing and potential franchisees who see this model as a new way to serve customers the same iconic, quality pizza they have come to expect, but in a faster setting,” said CEO Scott Crane of Rave Restaurant Group.

Read the full article here