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QSR Magazine: Domino’s Falls Short of Sales Estimates in Fourth Quarter

Despite lower sales growth, the brand reported a lower closure rate than it has seen in two decades.

Domino's was unable to meet its growth goals for the final quarter of 2017. According to a recent article in QSR Magazine, while the brand estimated an increase of six percent across franchised locations, it only reached 4.2 percent. Despite this being the brand's lowest reported growth in a quarter in years, CEO J. Patrick Doyle remains optimistic.

"All in all, while there are areas to collect and continue to improve, I am pleased with the results this extremely strong model continued to produce and exciting as ever about our future and continuing to aggressively grow and fortress in all markets and territories driven by our strong master franchisee base that continues to get it done," he said.

Under Doyle's leadership, the brand has experienced significant growth. The CEO will be stepping down this summer as Richard Allison, the international president takes his place. 

Domino's believes that it did not meet the fourth quarter estimate because of how the status of the market internationally impacted growth. Despite this, the brand announced that they sustained the lowest number of closures in 20 years, attributing that success to the strength of its model and performance.

Read the full article here