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QSR Magazine: Panera Part of NJ E. Coli Investigation, Reports Say

The brand is being investigated as a potential source of a four-county outbreak.

Following a breakout of E. coli in New Jersey, eight people have been hospitalized. According to a recent article in QSR MagazinePanera is one of the restaurants being investigated in regards to the outbreak. 

“The department is investigating a possible association with a chain restaurant, but the association may be broader than a single chain restaurant. The department is in the process of gathering food history data from those who became ill,” said the New Jersey Department of Health.

The investigation spans four counties including Middlesex, Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren. The department is currently in the process of evaluating the source of the outbreak. The initial cases of the E. coli popped up three weeks into March.

Read the full article here