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QSR Magazine: Restaurant Sales Spring to Life in March

Same-store sales across the industry grew by 0.8 percent last month.

While the restaurant industry got off to a shaky start this year, March results are showing that there’s hope for growth ahead. According to TDn2K’s March industry snapshot—as referenced in a recent article by QSR Magazine—the industry saw same-store sales jump by 0.8 percent last month. That’s the best month since October 2017.

In a statement cited by QSR, Victor Fernandez, TDn2K’s executive director of insights and knowledge, said, “Since the end of last year, we have been cautiously optimistic about what we believe is a strengthening in restaurant performance and increased consumer spending fueled by solid economic conditions. Even if the first two months of the year were soft, we believed there were external factors that overshadowed some underlying momentum.”

TDn2K’s industry snapshot gathers data from weekly sales of more than 30,000 restaurant units that are parts of over 170 brands.

To read the original article, click here.