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Red Robin to Focus on Improving Service Standards After Seeing Foot Traffic Decline

The brand will shift its attention from to-go orders to improving the on-location dining experience for guests.

Red Robin has reported a decline in foot traffic to its restaurants in the third quarter. According to a recent article in Nation's Restaurant News, the company is hoping to turn things around by focusing its attention on improving the service that guests receive at each location during Q4.

“We increased in-store training using our new learning management system. Our servers were trained on the basics of greeting, one-stop ordering and three-level bussing. Our hosts are being trained via the new system on dine-in seating and to-go standards. To be both a preferred destination and a source of customizable gourmet burgers, we must be great at dine-in and off-premise service,” said CEO Denny Marie Post.

The brand expressed that its focus on driving off-premise dining may lead it to overlook on-location dining in Q3. The focus on off-premise dining was successful in driving an increase in sales on to-go orders in Q3 by over 22 percent.

Read the full article here.