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Restaurants: Here To Serve You Food and Fight Climate Change

What’s the best side to accompany your burger? Reversing climate change.

Restaurants just might be the key in the climate change clash. According to Food Tank, new agricultural practices have been discovered that could potentially reverse climate change. How does this fall into a restaurant’s lap? Well, the restaurant industry is the largest sector in the food system believe it or not––therefore having the most impact.

Sustainability has been an ongoing trend in the food industry––from brands replacing plastic with reusable dishes to high-tech machines that encourage reusable water bottles, the restaurant industry is putting its greenest foot forward. Zero Foodprint––an organization helping restaurants educate consumers––is doing its part for the Earth by engaging and encouraging restaurants to fund sustainable farming practices. The newest such practice is one that draws carbon from the atmosphere and places it into soil, known as carbon farming. So, how does this relate to restaurants?

“If the U.S. restaurant industry added a 1% charge at restaurants and sent it towards carbon farming in the food system and other environmental projects, it could fund practices that would offset half of the U.S. gasoline consumption,” said Zero Foodprint Co-Founder Anthony Myint. “The practicality of carbon farming is the biggest climate opportunity and probably the biggest story in food.”

Zero Foodprint has already signed-on some of the most world-renowned restaurant chefs and with the help of other restaurateurs, this could be the start of something huge. 

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