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#RestaurantSTRONG Contest

Reasons you will love working in the restaurant industry.

If you know me at all, you know I LOVE LOVE LOVE the restaurant industry! And, literally, just days before this terrible pandemic, I finished this “Reasons You Will Love Working in the Restaurant Industry” video.

I decided to not post the video as it didn’t seem appropriate with all that was going on. But, here’s the thing…I still do LOVE the restaurant industry and, as tough as things are right now, I JUST KNOW we are going to come out of this and we will be so much stronger.

It’s so easy to worry and focus on all of the negativity - understandably as there are so many people industry-wide that are feeling the pain. But, I REALLY WANT TO DO SOMETHING TO PROVIDE A LITTLE HOPE AND POSITIVITY.

So, I think a #restaurantstrong CONTEST is in order! :)

In the next few days, I will be sharing exactly what this CONTEST is, how you can participate, and how YOU CAN WIN AMAZING PRIZES (independent and chain restaurant gift cards, fun swag/merchandise/gear, and a whole lot more!!).

This is going to be a blast. Stay tuned.

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