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Restoration 1 shares 5 best flood-prevention tips for winter

Destructive cold snaps have struck the United States from Hawaii to Maine, and many homeowners aren’t prepared for the cold’s consequences. According to the National Weather Service, temperatures in all 50 states dipped to freezing or below in mid-November, making places like Hawaii unseasonably .....

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
SPONSORED 4:16PM 12/02/14
Destructive cold snaps have struck the United States from Hawaii to Maine, and many homeowners aren’t prepared for the cold’s consequences. According to the National Weather Service, temperatures in all 50 states dipped to freezing or below in mid-November, making places like Hawaii unseasonably cold and prompting a state of emergency in western New York. Tuesday, Nov. 18, proved to be the coldest November morning across the nation since 1976, reported meteorologist consulting firm Weather Bell Analytics. Restoration 1, a Pompano Beach, Florida-based property restoration brand, has seen an influx of freezing pipes as abnormally cold temperatures continue to plague the country, bringing headaches to unprepared homeowners. These cold conditions can cost owners thousands of dollars in damage if pipes rupture. “Recent cold fronts have kept our local contractors and franchisees busy, and it’s only the beginning of a long winter,” said Andor Kovacs, president and chief executive of Restoration 1. “Instead of facing the inconvenience and dangers of dealing with burst pipes, and to avoid high expenses, homeowners should be proactive in ensuring pipes don’t freeze.” Forecasters at Accuweather also claim that these low temperatures and high snowfall will continue, promising another, albeit not as persistent, polar vortex coming in from the Northeast United States. Restoration 1 officials also noted that homeowners should take cautionary steps with their pipes even when they plan to travel for the holidays. According to the flood, fire and mold mediation company’s experts, these five tips for preventing pipes from freezing should give people the best chance of making it through winter without risking flood damage from burst pipes: • Keep your thermostat at 68 degrees or higher, even if you are leaving for an extended period of time, such as visiting family over the holidays. • Open the kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors to allow warmer air to circulate around the plumbing. Remove harmful cleaners and chemicals so they are out of the reach of young children. • Wrap pipes near exterior walls and crawlspaces with pipe insulation or heating tape. • Allow faucets to drip slightly with lukewarm water. • If a pipe freezes, open the faucet and heat the pipe (starting nearest the faucet) with a good hair dryer until the pipe thaws completely. “If frozen pipes do cause flooding or other damage, restoration companies like ours are prepared to handle it,” Kovacs said, “but these situations are avoidable as long as homeowners are vigilant.”