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Second Chances: 1851 Debuts Its Next Model

Welcome. It is a refreshing word. True, I have used a lead to that effect three times before. First when the magazine launched in digital form on May 18, 2012. Again when we debuted our first print edition. And now, with the release of digital version 2.0 (which, in reality, is more like versi.....

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
SPONSOREDUpdated 6:18PM 05/20/13
Welcome. It is a refreshing word. True, I have used a lead to that effect three times before. First when the magazine launched in digital form on May 18, 2012. Again when we debuted our first print edition. And now, with the release of digital version 2.0 (which, in reality, is more like version 20.0), as we celebrate 1851’s first anniversary. Welcome. Welcome to all those who aspire to be business owners. Welcome to all those who dream. Welcome to all those who love to read and sponge new ideas on a daily basis. Welcome to all those who seek to be part of a digital community that is built around their interests. 1851 is a blend of many ideas, thoughts and dreams of what a digital publication can be. Our name takes its root from the year that the Singer sewing machine company – the first franchise brand – unveiled the revolutionary concept of recreating its business in different locations across the United States. And 1851 remains true to that spirit in its attempt to create content that will help you navigate through the complexities of entrepreneurism and create your personal path to success. Revolution is rare in the franchise industry. Most great ideas are copied or duplicated with a modest amount of innovation. Originality rarely exists. However, greatness exists in many ways – as the innovators of the industry have demonstrated time and again. McDonalds wasn’t the first hamburger business.  It just found a way to expand it. Subway wasn’t the first business to sell a sandwich. It just did it better. Dominos was not the first company to serve a pizza. It just evolved a best practice and took ownership of it. Great ideas are, much of the time, adaptations of a great thought, or an experiment or failure from the past. Original ideas are rare. This iteration of 1851 is not original. We have adopted best practices that we have observed across many sites on the digital frontier so that our audience can have the best possible experience. Before releasing this site update, we delved into our core beliefs and refined them. There are no secrets here, so here’s our list: 1)      Business prospects are not idiots: They don’t want to simply land on a site and be told that opportunity “X” is ideal for them. Great business prospects do not want to apply for ownership right away. Due diligence is a must – whether buying a burger, a car or a business. 1851 must help to distinguish the differences between opportunities for the benefit of our audience. 2)      There are great websites, and ours was not one of them: The previous iteration of 1851 missed the mark. It was a platform for distributing content, but failed to deliver a story with multiple moving parts. The last version did not expand the vision as far as it needed to go in the first year. Our readers told us that they remained loyal because we were consistent in producing content on a daily basis. They also told us that the design and user experience fell short. We believe the improved 1851 site bridges the gap. 3)      Business opportunity portals exist en masse: We don’t want to just be one of the many. We will have context. Enough said. 4)      People buy from people: This, my friends, is the basis for everything. We want be a resource for those who aspire to entrepreneurial greatness. We want to inspire our readers through stories about the people whose success they aspire to mirror. 5)      Content should not be shaped by a singular viewpoint: Our view is not the finish line. Our role is to start the conversation. In fact, the reason we offer Facebook commenting is for a discussion to take off after we introduce the topic. 6)      Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations and Social Media Should Blend Together: This will evolve over time. 7)      We Operate in Full Disclosure: Yes, a communications agency runs this magazine. We believe that our acute understanding of the industry allows us to create an environment that can’t me matched elsewhere. Our stories are objective, and commentary (such as this piece) will be clearly marked. We will write stories about our clients and non-clients alike. We are experts within our space, and our primary objective is to share the news, information and insights from which we all can benefit. 8)      1851 is for everyone: The business sandbox is quite large. Let’s play nice. This is a magazine for everyone. It’s for anyone with ambition that dreams and creates. 1851 only can be as good as the stories that you share. 9)      Daily content creation is a must: Our editors are committed to ensuring that 1851 has an active social life. We will post our stories daily on Facebook, and if you respond to one of our posts, we will interact with you. 1851 is interested in a conversation. If you have a question, we’ll source an answer. Our editors will post content Monday through Friday so that you can have a daily dose of ideas. This launch does not mark the end of 1851’s journey. We would not be where we are today without the work of a dedicated group of contributors. I’d like to recognize Jonny and Caitlin for their collaboration in creating what has blossomed into an amazing website. I would be equally remiss if I did not thank Matt for embracing and implementing our content vision. And thanks to everyone at No Limit Agency* for working together as a team to build the next step in an infinite staircase of ideas. This merely is the beginning. We have a plan. We have a vision. Without fresh ideas, interaction between our editors our readers and the sharing of ideas both big and small, 1851 cannot thrive. We look forward to getting to know you as you get to know us. Again, welcome to today’s 1851. Best regards, NICK

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.