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Shake Shack recruits social media to do the selling

Shake Shake a successful burger brand knows Millennials and has strong social media presence.

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
SPONSOREDUpdated 2:14PM 06/25/15

Photo Credit: Stocksnapper/ 

New York-based Shake Shack may not have the most Instagram, Facebook or Twitter followers, but the brand has outdone the competition with the power of generating social media clout in real time.

The brand’s social media presence has a stronghold on Millennials, and at a minimal cost, in turn keeping the brand’s advertising budget to a minimum.

According to a new report by Goldman Sachs, the chain has chosen to invest in building an audience on social media sites like Instagram and Vine – portals that Millennials are highly active in.

"[Shake Shack] does essentially no traditional marketing, but has a strong presence on social media, which speaks to its relevance among Millennials," Goldman stated in its analyst report. "Using both Vine and Instagram as examples, its followers are much larger than what its system sales would suggest."

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