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Should You Be Business Partners with Your Spouse?

A quick conversation with husband-and-wife team and business partners Andrea and Ray Auld about what their experience is like, and what couples in business should look out for.

By Carrie Luxem1851 Franchise Contributor
Updated 12:12PM 03/18/22

Have you ever thought about running a business with your spouse or partner? What would a couple business look like? On today’s show, I have a quick conversation with husband-and-wife team and business partners Andrea and Ray Auld about what their experience is like, and what couples in business should look out for.

Having a spouse or partner is a wonderful thing, and often as couples, we manage to balance many aspects of life together. In fact, married couples or partners tend to complement each other’s strengths and compensate for each other’s weaknesses. But what about when it comes to being business partners?

What's challenging, couples in business might find, is that you're different people – meaning you have different thoughts, strengths, and weaknesses. Talking about that can be hard because as individuals, we may think we hold some strengths when in actual fact, it’s the total opposite.

But don’t despair, couple businesses CAN WORK! For Andrea and Ray, communication was key to striking a balance, especially when it comes to being truthful with one another about their different roles in the business. 

Keep watching to hear from this powerful business partnership and get inspired on ways you can be one of many successful couples in business.