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Small Teams Doing Big Work

Small teams can do great things if they stick together, lean on each other through the good and bad, and have a laugh or two at the end of the day.

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
SPONSOREDUpdated 5:17PM 02/24/16

In our world, we’re always under deadline. The clock never stops. We dream about it at night when we finally fall asleep and it’s the first thing on our mind the minute we wake up. It’s a product of how we’re wired. Time, whether we like it or not, is our most valuable asset. In the professional world of communications, time is typically how we measure and manage workload against a particular client’s budget. But at No Limit Agency*, we’re always doing more then what’s required. We do it because we want our clients to succeed. Their success is a direct reflection upon us. And we believe in what they are doing. That kind of work requires us to be nimble and to be flexible. We have to be. There is no other way if you want to be disruptive and a force for change.

In order to do the big work required, you don’t necessarily need to have a big team. Small teams can do great things if they stick together, lean on each other through the good and bad, and have a laugh or two at the end of the day. With all this in mind, here is my manifesto on what small teams can do to accomplish big work.

Over communicate.

If it’s your mess, clean it up.

Help other people clean up their messes.

If you set a deadline, meet it.

If you can’t meet a deadline, tell us early and often.

Make mistakes. Just own them. Teach people what you’ve learned.

Don’t question effort or intent.

Be kind. Share.

Ask for help.

We’re doing a lot of things that haven’t been done before. Surprise is ok.

Laugh. Smile. We want to know the real you.

We’re in it together. You’re not an island.

Don’t be afraid to look around. Sometimes the outside does it better.

Keep your head up. We’ll get there one way or another.

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.