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Social Geek Radio: Millennials, Franchising and Video

The hosts discuss Millennials impact in the world of franchising

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
SPONSORED 4:16PM 04/01/16
Hosts Deb Evans of Deb Evans Consulting, LLC and Jack Monson, global director of Manalto Software, begin this week's podcast with the GeekItOut segment. This week's edition consists of the hosts explaining how easy it is to save a Facebook video. Evans shared these facts after conducting a live Facebook stream at a recent Women Franchise Network (WFN) meeting. Evans was able to save the live stream and upload it to YouTube.
Later in the episode the hosts are joined by Brand Journalists Franchise Writer Mick Ackley and Josh Harrell, who is a former reporter who is now a documentarian. The hosts and Ackley and Harrell discuss Millennial's place in the franchising industry and why it has been challenging for companies to connect with them.
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