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Subway's Digital Investments are Paying Off

The company has reported an increase in mobile orders, loyalty program enrollments and overall order totals.

Subway has recently embraced digital initiatives including ordering through Facebook messenger, the MyWay loyalty program and kiosk ordering. According to a recent article in Forbes, these additions have had a positive impact on the brand’s success.

The company noted that the MyWay program has received ten times the number of enrollments the previous program received–without advertising. Mobile ordering has increased by 100%. Kiosks have been credited with driving guests to add more to their orders, increasing overall order totals.

“Consumers are fickle, they’re eating at home more and we have to do what we can to make sure we’re there – that we’re top of mind and in their path. That means we have be where they are and that is in the digital space now. I’m very excited we’re dabbling in some of these new technologies,” said Subway chief digital officer, Carissa Ganelli.

Read the full article here.

Photo Courtesy of @WIVK1077 on Twitter