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Taco Bell Pledges to Reduce Antibiotics in Beef Products

The popular Mexican QSR chain has committed to a 25% reduction by 2025.

The World Health Organization has stated that antibiotics present in animal products can lead to the presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that can pose risks to human health. Many restaurants have opted out of using animal products treated with antibiotics in the wake of rising consumer concern. Taco Bell announced that it too will make a commitment to more responsibly sourcing beef products and reduce antibiotic presence in its beef by 25%.

Missy Schaaphok, Taco Bell’s manager of global nutrition and sustainability said in a statement reported by CNN, “we're sending a supportive signal to the industry.” In 2017, Taco Bell eliminated the use of antibiotics relevant to human health in their chicken supply. Cattle, however, are a much more time and resource-consuming breed of livestock. McDonald’s has also committed to reducing antibiotics in beef as of late 2018. 

Although Taco Bell has not provided much detail on their course of action to reduce antibiotics, Lena Brook of the Natural Resources Defense Council believes that, “it's a move in the right direction and shows the pressure is on for competitors to take action."

Read the full story here.