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TechCrunch: Instagram Launches Selfie Filters, Copying the Last Big SnapChat Feature

Eight face filters are now available on Instagram throughout the app.

Today Instagram takes another step towards being a version of SnapChat. According to a recent TechCrunch article, Instagram Stories now includes a copycat version of augmented reality selfie filters. To start, Instagram is introducing eight face filters such as nerd glasses and a butterfly crown to users.

“There’s a lot of exciting work being done around augmented reality” said an Instagram spokesperson when asked about the app copying Snapchat. “We’ve heard from our community that they want more creative ways to share everyday moments and engage with friends. With face filters, they have more tools than ever at their fingertips, and all in one place.”

Instagram hopes to be the one social network for visual communication. Face Filters will be available on Instagram Direct, Boomerang and as images to post on the main feed.

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