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TechCrunch: Investing in tech for hospitality and food, Almanac Investments raises $30 million

Investment in product sustainability and social responsibility can impact the food service industry.

On Tuesday, TechCrunch announced David Barber, longtime angel investor and owner of Blue Hill restaurant and consulting, is continuing his focus on product sustainability and social responsibility with a new $30 million investment fund with Almanac Investments.

The investment will focus on developing products and services that improve the food and hospitality industries. This trend focusing on more sustainable food preparation and sourcing in the food service industry is one that continues to become more popular, especially when it comes to franchising and emerging brands in the restaurant segment of the industry. According to the article, “Finally, consumers tastes are changing, which presents an opportunity for new brands to come to market with products that cater to the new needs of more health-conscious consumers.”

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