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The 6 Biggest Mistakes That Ruin Good Management

There are 6 huge manager mistakes that all too often have a negative impact on businesses. Let's dive into what those are, how to avoid them, and what good management really means.

By Carrie Luxem1851 Franchise Contributor
Updated 12:12PM 01/18/22

There are 6 huge manager mistakes that all too often have a negative impact on businesses. On this show, I share what those are, how to avoid them, and what good management really means.

The thing is, we all make mistakes. But we learn and grow from them. Mistakes have the power to turn you into something better than you were before. You just have to be able to recognize when you’re making them and how to change for the better.

Ultimately, all solutions I offer to help avoid the 6 manager mistakes are intended to do one thing: build trust and foster communication between you and your team members. These two elements are absolutely essential to good management.

But there are several things that often end up interfering with that relationship. One of those has to do with power. As a leader, you don’t need more power. If you show respect, you’ll receive it in return.

Another obstacle is moving too fast. Before heading straight into all of the projects you want done, gather input from your team. With their collaboration, figure out what your priorities should be.

And always strive to be human. Professionalism and personality are not mutually exclusive. Don’t close yourself off just because you think it makes you weak.

By avoiding the 6 big and common manager mistakes, you can develop healthy bonds with your team members that'll help carry the business forward.

Remember, good management is about more than just appearances. Be open, be kind, and show that you care!