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The 8 | November 25, 2016

Here are the eight things you need to know from this week.

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
SPONSORED 12:12PM 11/25/16

8. The Buzz: What we’re thankful for: This week, we shared what we’re thankful for this Thanksgiving. Football, turkey and No Limit Agency* were mentioned, of course.

7: Brand of the Week: FranConnect

“K-9 Resorts Finds Organization and Efficiency with FranConnect to Fuel Nationwide Growth:” A few months after engaging FranConnect, K-9 Resorts Daycare and Luxury Hotel is already seeing positive results.

“To Drive Development in a Smarter Way, Lightbridge Academy* Turns to FranConnect:” With the help of FranConnect, Lightbridge Academy can better track leads and drive business.

“How Franchisees Can Best Run Their Locations in the Digital Age:” By utilizing franchisor innovation efforts, engaging consumers and employing successful online marketing strategies, franchisees are able to make the most of running a local business in today’s technology-centric environment.

“FranConnection 2016: IFA President & CEO Outlines Plan to Fight Back Against ‘Existential Franchising Threat:’” IFA President and CEO Robert Cresanti believes that the franchising model in the U.S. is under attack, but the industry is prepared to fight back.

“Generating and Tracking Value From Your Franchise Management Software:” TITLE Boxing Club and Nestle Tollhouse Cafe use FranConnect to drive efficiency and build engagement with their franchisees.

6: People Story: The 1851 team mentions who they’re thankful for.

5: Profit Story: Each of us talk about the brands that are growing right now. What does it take for a model to be successful?

4: Places Story: Coming up, which markets should you expect to see growth in?

3: Columns: “What Leaders Can Learn From Mom on Thanksgiving:” Mom knows that strategy, service, relationship and results will win this Thanksgiving and many more for years to come.

2: In the Media: We break down for you how to gain credibility through PR

1: Thought of the Week: Sean Fitzgerald, No Limit Agency’s Chief Brand Strategist, talks about how the IFA helps tell the story of franchising.

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.