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The Bamboo that Bends is Stronger than the Oak that Resists

Risk is business and risk in life is part of what makes good versus great people.

At our business, No Limit Agency*, it could be argued that I am a change agent – or an agent of change. On a constant hunt for excellence in our business, I am willing to change anything – furniture, processes or structure all to increase the juju of our office. Some struggle with change – perhaps for the fear that change will make them uncomfortable. However, some embrace it – or buy into the process. They seem committed to the ride.

I heard the saying that the bamboo that bends is stronger than the oak that resists. This resonated well with me. I believe that flexibility in life, in business and in change helps lead many to great futures. Blockbuster was oak, Amazon is bamboo.

Risk and change seem to go hand-in-hand. If I was paid every time I heard someone talk about the way it’s always been done or being satisfied with average, I would be rich (and not have to change anything in my business, because I would be retired). Even though brands like Blockbuster have shown us that when risk is avoided, a great business can collapse. We as people are more likely to behave like Blockbuster rather than the sustainable greats like Amazon and Apple.

Risk is business and risk in life is part of what makes good versus great people. I have worked with many people who say how far when I tell them to jump. Those people, I would bet the farm, will go very far in their careers (hopefully alongside me). Those people are willing to embrace change and risk.

I read a quote from Peter Drucker that said, “People who do not take risks generally make about two mistakes a year. People who do take risks generally make about two mistakes a year.” Great. If the outcome is the same, then what’s the risk in embracing change?

Don’t be afraid to try something new. New can sometimes lead to great outcomes. And even when it doesn’t, according to Drucker, it can’t hurt you that much.

At the end of the day, you are in charge of your actions and outcomes. You get to decide if your glass is half full or half empty. You get to decide if the day is going to be great or not.

Life is short, we all know this. This is why I am willing to change. Will I find perfection? Will I find ultimate business happiness? Will I figure out the puzzle to help lead our team to an amazing future? Who knows? But, I am willing to be bamboo. I am willing to bend. I am willing to go with the punches. I am interested in looking at the journey as half full.

Are you?

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.