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The Power Of Persistence In Achieving YOUR SUCCESS

The power of persistence and the reason why consistency is the key to success.

As people, achieving success is important to us. However, we must realize that on the road to success, consistency is key. On today’s show, I want to discuss the power of persistence and the reason why consistency is the key to success.

I recently watched a movie on Netflix called Seven Yards that’s based on the story of a young man, Chris Norton, who perseveres through the odds. And it got me thinking, our journeys may not always be what we had hoped for but success is inevitable if we see it through.

While ambition is usually the catalyst for starting the journey towards your goals, it alone cannot sustain you throughout the journey. What's the difference between the people who make it through their journeys and those who turn back?

In my experience, I’ve come to see that the thing that gets people to succeed in their goals is a formula. To get to your goal, you'll need hard work, consistency, patience and time. Persistence leads to success. Consistency is key. It’s that simple.

Always remember that consistency is the key to success. Keep watching to see how you can be on the road to achieving success through the power of persistence, regardless of the adversities that you face in your life.