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Tim Horton’s To Open 1,500 Asian Locations

This expansion plan is expected to occur over the span of a decade, with the first location opening in 2019.

Tim Horton’s has announced plans to open 1,500 locations across Asia over the course of the next decade. According to a recent article in the Canada Business Chief, the brand will tailor its menu to compete with its rivals by introducing congee and matcha alongside its traditional menu offerings.

The brand is focused on creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere in order to increase the amount of time that guests spend in its restaurants.

“We want our team members to be the most welcoming staff in China. We want people to be able to sit in our restaurants for 10 hours if they want to with only one cup of coffee if they want to or not ordering a cup of coffee at all,” said President Alex Macedo.

Check out the full article here.