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Tuesday’s ‘Great American Takeout’ Asks Consumers to Support Restaurants

Restaurant owners are hoping to inspire a spike in takeout and delivery orders this week.

Few industries have been hit harder than hospitality has during the ongoing Coronavirus crisis. Public dining rooms have been shuttered in a growing number of cities, and consumers across the country have been urged or in some cases required by the state to stay home as much as possible. Fortunately, restaurants have another way to reach consumers: takeout and delivery.

In an effort to encourage delivery and takeout sales and raise awareness about supporting restaurants during the COVID-19 outbreak, a growing number of restaurants have joined a coalition asking consumers to participate in “The Great American Takeout” on Tuesday, March 24.

The campaign asks consumers to order at least one delivery or takeout order from on Tuesday to help keep restaurants afloat while dining rooms are closed. 

While a single day of increased sales won’t likely stave off the worse effects of the crisis, organizers are hoping the event will draw attention to the unique difficulties restaurants are facing and remind consumers that they can still support their favorite restaurants even while social-distancing measures remain in effect.

The campaign is asking consumers to post on social media using the hashtag #thegreatamericantakeout to spread the word and rally participants.