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VentureBeat: DoorDash was built using AI to speed up food deliveries

DoorDash is using AI technology to streamline the food delivery process.

Food delivery is a huge market for the United States. For many people, enjoying a meal from one's favorite restaurant without ever leaving home holds a lot of appeal. However, the process is not always perfect. Late food can be cold, restaurants can sell out of an item and ordering systems can be difficult to navigate.

DoorDash, a food delivery service, is using artificial intelligence technology in order to streamline the process. According to a recent article in VentureBeat, the company uses AI to reroute drivers, adjust menus based on product availability and personalize recommendations for users.

"Food is definitely the hardest. If we can get food right, we can get anything delivered," said CEO Tony Xu. 

If DoorDash is able to refine their technology, they may be able to branch off into other business sectors. According to the article, Xu's goal has been to create a business that bridges the software and physical worlds.

Read the full article here.