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VentureBeat: How to get started with AI integration in a growing business

Franchisors can transform their business with these cutting-edge technologies.

As business owners, franchisors have likely heard of the value of utilizing AI technology. But without an in-house expert or extensive personal knowledge, it may seem impossible to know how to utilize the technology yourself. VentureBeat understands that not everyone is a tech genius, so they broke down four entry-level implementations of the machine learning technology that can take your business to the next level. 

  • Analytics: Since Watson may be out of budget for many franchisors, Salesforce offers Einstein Analytics to help brands identify more efficient ways to serve customers. 
  • Customer Service: Smart chatbots are changing the game for customer service. If your company serves a wide customer base, this can help manage call volume without sending your customers to offshore call centers. 
  • Marketing: Marketing solutions platforms such as Acquisio, Bookmark and Attribution can help gather customer behavior so you can adapt to fit their needs. 
  • Administration: Admin tasks cost time and money. RPA (robotic process automation) can leverage your record keeping and banking tools to help transactions go smoother, data transfers easier and can even help interpret legal documents. 

The right tools can help you save money and free up time to focus on growing your business. 

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