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VentureBeat: LinkedIn Adds Conversion Tracking To Sponsored Updates

LinkedIn adds new capabilities to Campaign Manager Tool for advertisers.

By Brigit Larson1851 Contributor
SPONSOREDUpdated 8:08AM 09/08/16

The professional social network made new upgrades to its Campaign Manager Tool that will help advertisers create more effective ads. According to a recent VentureBeat article, LinkedIn recently launched conversion tracking to provide further insight about how users are interacting with sponsored content and ads.

As requested by advertisers, LinkedIn’s new conversion tracking will help measure leads, downloads, sign-ups, and purchases that came through sponsored content and text ads. The new tool will be providing insights for the actions of its 450 million members.

Brands can start to understand important metrics such as the return on investment, cost-per-conversion, and other key metrics. Conversion tracking will also show the number of conversions that come from mobile and from desktop, and provide insight into how to optimize ads for better performance.

The new capabilities will be available for all advertisers today for text ads and sponsored content, and likely for inMail in the next few months.

Read the full article here.