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Weekly Web Roundup

No Limit Agency staffers share links that intrigue, shock, entertain or inspire us.

By 1851 Staff1851 Staff Contributions
SPONSOREDUpdated 5:17PM 11/11/15
Have you heard about...?
uBeam and the pursuit of wireless power technology? - Matt Diaz
The scientifically perfect grilled cheese sandwich? - Megan Ferringer
The dude who purchased a newspaper ad lobbying to write a Die Hard sequel? - Chris Zois
Snapchat becoming ad agencies' new best friend? - Andi Summers
How much McDonald's french fries cost in Venezuela? - Andrew Hrubec
McDonald's preparing to debut mozzarella sticks? - Chris Zois
Groupon shelling out credits for unused vouchers? - Sharon Powills
The awesome "Mass Effect: Andromeda" game trailer? - Matt Diaz
How champagne may help prevent Alzheimer's disease? - Andi Summers
Comcast's pursuit cord-cutters' money? - Andrew Hrubec
The new technique that indicates the age of ink? - Chris Zois