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What Good Franchise Opportunities Are There in Mumbai?

The most lucrative franchise opportunities in Mumbai include fast food chains, education concepts, e-commerce businesses and healthcare centers.

Mumbai, with a massive population of more than 12 million potential customers, features several franchise concepts that offer entrepreneurs the opportunity for strong ROI, including fast food, retail and health and wellness brands. 

With the recent privatization of the Indian healthcare and education sectors, as well as the continued globalization of the Indian economy, the country’s franchise industry is on a significant upswing. As a result, some of the highest-profit franchises in Mumbai include education, training and career development, senior care and environment-friendly businesses. This year, following the COVID-19 pandemic, I.T.- and online ordering services-related businesses such as e-commerce, call center and delivery couriers are also on the top of the list.

When considering international franchise companies that are bringing their services to India for the first time, prospects should look for brands that are willing to tailor their products to regional tastes. For example, since beef is religiously and culturally taboo among much of the population, international fast food franchises have succeeded in India by replacing their traditionally beef-based menu with vegetarian options. 

Check out this list by StartupTalky for five of the most profitable franchises in Mumbai, including KFC, Giani’s, Phixman, Me n Moms and Frozen Bottle.