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When a Franchise Advisor Tells You They Have the Only Answer, Run

Holding out for a franchise advisor with a 'secret fix' is a big mistake.

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
SPONSOREDUpdated 1:13PM 03/19/15

It amazes me that there is still talk about the mythical franchise advisor unicorn - you know, the one that solves all your franchise development issues. But I still hear plenty of conversations at conferences revolving around this unicorn hunt. After 160-plus years of franchising, that unicorn would have been shot dead by now, and every self-serve frozen yogurt brand would have 1,000 units. Face it, people – it’s not going to happen.

There are many franchise advisors – too many, in my opinion – who tell their clients they have the secret answer, whether that’s a website or a PR firm or a marketing stunt or a (sigh) hotel seminar. Shame on you, franchisor, for believing the hype. In sales, hype doesn’t exist. Open your eyes, wake up from your dream, pinch your arm and get back to perfecting the basics.

In today’s world, it does begin and end with your website. In the digital world, prospects (whether consumer, franchise or partners) are going to seek you out online and do their own homework on your brand. But it doesn’t stop there! While your website will be the place they ultimately land on to decide whether or not they are going to provide you their name and phone number, they will look at other sites, too. They don’t just want you to tell them you’re great, they want their friends and their friends’ friends to tell them the same. Buzz is best created by other people, not by you. Therefore, while content is extremely important on your site for organic SEO purposes, it won’t be your be-all-end-all solution to growing. Organic is out; planned is in.

I don’t claim to have all the solutions, but I do claim to understand how data will help you choose the right path. There are too many franchise advisors out to get your dollar. Following your gut is the most important thing. Liking who you are going to work with is the second most important thing.

With no unicorns, the best brands will be those that do a little of everything really well. And then, after doing all the little things, they process the leads in the best, most nurturing way possible. Franchise advisors will come up with a million ways to generate more leads, but it’s quality you need, not quantity. It only takes one to close a deal, after all.

In my opinion, the advisors that help you spread your budget while ensuring you have enough left over to invest in the process (a qualifier) are the best equipped to help you with your business. But remember, none of them will have the best answer. If they did, they could point to hundreds of brands waiting in line to work with them. No process is one-size-fits-all. The unicorn is still hiding in its cave.