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Why Video Content Has Never Been More Important for Franchise Websites

With its ability to elicit emotions and create lasting impressions, video content marketing reportedly has the capability to drive more sales than traditional print.

By Jeff DwyerStaff Writer
1:13PM 11/15/23

Franchise businesses are constantly seeking out new and innovative ways to engage with their audience and attract new customers and potential franchisees alike. As a means to achieve these goals, video content has emerged as an indispensable tool for franchises to showcase their values, products, services and points of differentiation.

But why is video content such an important part of franchise websites?

In addition to showcasing a brand’s identity, videos have the power to convey emotions. Whether that’s through a heartfelt message from the founder or genuine customer and franchisee testimonials, videos present a beneficial way to elicit emotions and leave a profound and lasting impact on viewers. In an Entrepreneur article, Trevor Rappleye, the founder and CEO of FranchiseFilming, suggested that while traditional print content will always have its own place, video content creates a depth of connection that print can’t match.

“Brands, especially franchise brands, need to get with the times and deliver the type of content their audience prefers to consume,” said Rappleye. “What’s truly at stake with video marketing and production is the establishment of an emotional connection to your target audience. In the case of franchisors, that means attracting a qualified candidate. This target audience responds to video testimonials because the presenter’s emotions, feelings, and expressions can be evaluated and communicated in real time. In less than 60 seconds, they can view this type of promotional video and imagine themselves one day participating in the same type of testimonial validation.” 

He isn’t the only one who believes video content is important for lead generation. In fact, according to a recent report from Vidyard and Demand Metric, video content is the top performer in driving conversions. That report, which surveyed hundreds of sales, marketing and customer experience professionals, found that 93% of study participants believe video leads to sales the same or better than any other form of content.

In an interview with 1851 Franchise, Amy Przywara, the chief marketing officer of Sylvan Learning*, also highlighted the importance of video content in catering to diverse audience preferences.

“Video is obviously very key in today’s world,” said Przywara. “By incorporating video content, you’re providing another mode for content consumption. It’s sort of like making your content marketing a multi-channel thing; you’re giving a range of people content in the form that they’re most likely to be receptive to.”

The widespread availability of high-speed internet and smartphones has also played a role in making video content more accessible than ever before. Potential customers can engage with video content seamlessly wherever they are, which can expand a franchise’s market reach.

Rappleye believes there is a disparity that exists between traditional approaches in video marketing and modern customer expectations. In an interview with 1851 Franchise, he said most franchises are 10 years behind and their old way of selling franchises just isn’t working anymore.

“You need video content, you need testimonials to push someone down the funnel or else they’re not going to sign up,” he said.

Video content has effectively become the cornerstone of communication and engagement for franchise businesses. By leveraging the emotional impact of videos, franchises can inspire potential franchisees and improve their lead generation. As the digital marketing landscape continues to evolve, embracing video content has really never been more crucial for franchise brands that wish to stay relevant. 


*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.