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The Oregonian: Father and daughter team up to open WORKOUT ANYTIME franchise in Oregon

Rick and Kellie Hascall have teamed up to become the first father-daughter team to open a Workout Anytime franchise. Located in Beaverton, Oregon, the Hascalls' health club has just opened its doors.

By 1851 Staff1851 Staff Contributions
SPONSOREDUpdated 2:14PM 05/03/16
Kellie Hascall was working at a real estate firm in Colorado when she got a call from her dad. His proposal? Move back home to Oregon and partner with him to open the first WORKOUT ANYTIME gym in the region. Kellie hesitated, but ultimately seized the chance to work with her dad. Since opening on June 8th, 2015 they already have over 400 members. While they’ve worked hard to get the gym up and running, they took Sunday off to celebrate Father’s Day. Rick and Kellie work well together and both agree that Kellie is the boss around the gym.
They believe they’ve tapped into a niche in the Portland community- the need for neighborhood gyms at an affordable price. WORKOUT ANYTIME offers 24 hour access and with Rick’s background, he hopes to attract other security professionals, emergency responders and military veterans to the gym, offering them special deals on membership fees. This is the first facility in Oregon and Rick and Kellie have plans for expansion, but at the end of the day Rick hopes to build the brand for a few years and hand over the reins to Kellie.

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