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Workout Anytime Owner Brian Shaw Embraces Franchise Ownership And His Professional Career

Shaw credits the brand with allowing him to maintain his career while developing WORKOUT ANYTIME

By 1851 Staff1851 Staff Contributions
SPONSOREDUpdated 11:11AM 09/09/16
WORKOUT ANYTIME provides franchise opportunities for those that need a flexible schedule. Franchisee Brian Shaw is a successful example of this.

Before coming to WORKOUT ANYTIME, Shaw was in the banking industry. He was working for Reliant Bank when he discovered the WORKOUT ANYTIME investment opportunity in 2011. Shaw’s background in banking came in handy when he was doing research about the brand. He said he looked at six months’ worth of financial analysis and determined that investing in WORKOUT ANYTIME was the right choice.

“WORKOUT ANYTIME has grown a lot in the past few years and being a banker made it easier to analyze the business and see that the brand was going in the right direction,” Shaw said. “Understanding the business aspects of the franchise were easier because of my background, but I have to credit the brand for helping me with my success because they have great marketing, training and support standards in place, which helped me grow my franchise.”

He said what intrigued him most about the brand was that it was in a great industry and that it provided him with the flexibility to still work at his banking job, which he eventually left in 2014. Shaw now runs his five WORKOUT ANYTIME units full-time, with four locations in Nashville and one in Mississippi.

The gym and fitness franchise industry is booming, generating $3 billion in revenue and growing at an annual rate of 4.9 percent. WORKOUT ANYTIME is one of the best gym franchises in the industry thanks to its accessibility and affordability to both clients and franchisees.

Based in Atlanta, Georgia, WORKOUT ANYTIME is the premier 24/7 fitness concept, offering world class facilities and training to members. Franchisees are able to run a franchise with simplicity. The brand provides thorough training to understand the ropes of the business side and it supplies each location with the best workout equipment on the market. And, like Shaw, franchisees are able to operate a unit and work a job outside of the franchise and still be able to invest in the brand. Estimated initial investment in a WORKOUT ANYTIME starts at $125,000.

Shaw credits WORKOUT ANYTIME with helping him understand the gym and fitness industry, and he said franchising with the brand is a worthwhile investment.

“What’s great about WORKOUT ANYTIME is that they give you a playbook, which is a proven model, and all you need to do is follow it in order to achieve success,” Shaw said. “It's a great franchise opportunity for anyone that is interested in the fitness industry or is looking for a stellar investment opportunity.”

For more franchising information about WORKOUT ANYTIME, click here.

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.