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World Franchise Associates to Help Grow Great Harvest Bakery Overseas

World Franchise Associates helps brands with their international franchise expansion efforts.

International franchise development consulting firm World Franchise Associates is going to help Great Harvest Bakery develop franchise locations outside of the United States, according to a WFA press release.

Great Harvest Bakery is a Montana-based bakery and cafe chain with more than 200 locations in the United States. The WFA, a London-based company, will represent Great Harvest Bakery as it expands into Canada, Europe, Japan and more.

“Great Harvest is an exceptional brand for investors,” WFA CEO Paul Cairnie said in the press release announcing the partnership. “Everything is made fresh, on site and locally -- nothing frozen or packaged. The brand’s freedom franchise model allows for flexibility for success including menu, pricing, local decor/design. And the brand’s partnership with Artisan Italian Coffee Roaster Caffe D’arte, offers a superior full line coffee and espresso program.”

Read the full press release.