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SmallBizClub: Lawn Doctor Named Top Home Service Franchise

Lawn Doctor tops the list of best home service franchise opportunities.

As No. 14 on the Franchise Gator Top 100 List for 2018 and the top lawn and landscape maintenance franchise included, Lawn Doctor was recognized by SmallBizClub as a top home service franchise to invest in. With 50 years of franchising experience, the brand leads the pack in terms of an average customer retention rate and customer satisfaction. And the industry only continues to grow with less families maintaining their own lawns and consumers starting to look for professional solutions.

The ability to generate multiple revenue streams makes Lawn Doctor a lucrative franchise opportunity. With lawn care, tree and shrub care, perimeter pest control and mosquito and tick control, franchisees can offer customers various services all without a storefront to rent out or purchase. The brand continues to focus on operational efficiency and growing profit margins for its franchisees.

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*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.