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Why Becoming a Lawn Doctor Franchise Owner Is a Great Career Move for First Responders

Attention to detail and people skills are important when it comes to being a first responder. They also happen to be important qualities of a Lawn Doctor franchise owner.

By Victoria CampisiStaff Writer
Updated 3:15PM 06/22/23

Lawn Doctor, the 600-plus-unit national lawn care concept, gives people from all professional backgrounds the chance to grow a business for themselves and be their own boss. The franchise is a great opportunity for first responders, for example, who are looking for a change of pace. 

Jake Minor had been in the Memphis, Tennessee, police force for 13 years when he decided he wanted to pivot his career. Long hours away from his family in not the safest of areas made him begin to explore business ownership and franchising opportunities. 

When searching online for a list of the top franchises, he noticed Lawn Doctor Having already been a loyal customer of the brand, the franchise opportunity caught his attention. 

“I had been a Lawn Doctor customer for seven years,” Minor recalled. “I really liked the company and the product. I knew they did a good job and thought that it was something that I could definitely do.” 

He inquired with the brand and the rest is history. In February of 2023, Minor quit his job with the police and packed up and moved to Cullman, Alabama, where is now a proud Lawn Doctor owner. 

Why Minor Chose to Franchise With Lawn Doctor

When Minor was determining what business opportunities made sense for him, he knew he wanted something that was already established where he knew he would be able to follow a successful model. And with Lawn Doctor, Minor knew he would be supported well from the very beginning. 

“I really liked that Lawn Doctor has been around for years,” he said. “I couldn’t imagine trying to start a business like this from scratch and not having the support that I had. I got the impression from the beginning that there was going to be a lot of support incorporated from everybody involved. Someone was there to coach me through everything. It helped set me up for success.” 

At Lawn Doctor, the brand ensures franchisees have all the answers they need to keep their business growing smoothly. For example, Regional Business Consultants are assigned to franchisees as a primary point of contact to help answer any questions about any aspect of the business. Every eight weeks for the first two years in business, franchisees and their Regional Business Consultant will meet to discuss and optimize an operating plan. 

“We have built a proven, step by step approach to get our owners prepared to embark on their new business. Training is step one toward starting the business, and we don’t skip steps or skimp on substance,” said Eric Martin, senior vice president of franchise development for Lawn Doctor. “By the time they launch, new owners have been through all stages of preparation, including software training and on-site coaching visits. They’ve received equipment and have had ample marketing ramp-up to the spring power window opening.”

Minor also loved the idea of business ownership and having more flexibility in his career. Coming from a position where he was working a lot of overtime, becoming a franchisee with Lawn Doctor was all the more appealing. 

“In Memphis I was working 60 or 70 hour weeks, and I was never home,” he said. “I liked the idea of being my own boss. And once I get people in place in my business to run certain aspects of it, I’ll be able to spend a lot more time with my family than I had been before.” 

Lawn Doctor is just one of the Happinest Brands-backed franchises that first responders are finding success in. The parent company’s other franchises such as Mosquito Huntersecomaids and Elite Window Cleaning all offer fantastic opportunities for first responders to flourish in a new career. 

Why Lawn Doctor Is a Great Franchise Choice for First Responders

Since franchising with Lawn Doctor, Minor has already found success with his sales. Something he realized was that, although this is a completely new career for him, his training as a police officer has actually really helped him as a franchisee. 

“As cops, we can sell ice to Eskimos,” said Minor. “In my 13 years of being a police officer, I learned how to quickly evaluate a person and how to approach them. I also learned to be persuasive and how to talk to people. Your job, and your life, depends on knowing certain things as a cop. So I’m constantly learning. And I think that knowledge and confidence in what I’m saying comes across to customers.” 

Minor also added that attention to detail is something that is very important in police work, as well as in being a Lawn Doctor franchise owner. For example, franchisees have to know specific details about lawn care and how often to treat each lawn. 

Lawn Doctor also provided Minor with a first responder discount of $10,000 on his franchise fee. This was something he said made him feel appreciated by the brand. “It shows that they appreciate first responders for all that we do and want to make it a little bit easier for us to transition into something new,” he said. 

The startup costs for a Lawn Doctor franchise range from $117,740–$ $143,232. To learn more about franchising with Lawn Doctor, visit

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.