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Why Lawn Doctor is a Great Investment for Women Business Owners

Franchise Business Advisor Alicia Worner and franchisee Suzy Mazzone share their personal experiences with the brand and why it's a great place for women to be their own boss.

By Victoria CampisiStaff Writer
SPONSOREDUpdated 1:13PM 03/21/23

Lawn Doctor, the 600-plus unit lawn care franchise under the Happinest Brands umbrella, is committed to supporting its franchisees who come from a variety of backgrounds. The franchise also understands the importance of women in the franchise space, no matter what the industry is. 

One of the women who knows that importance firsthand and helps other women achieve their goals is Alicia WornerLawn Doctor Franchise Business Advisor. As the Franchise Business Advisor, Worner works alongside brand new Lawn Doctor franchisees throughout their first year of business.

“I have the pleasure of working with new franchisees,” she said. “These people just spent a lot of time and money on the business, and they want to learn how to create a successful business. Lawn Doctor owners are always very motivated and want to provide the best service for their customers.” 

An example of one of the eager franchise owners Worner helped get started is New York-based Suzy Mazzone. Getting started in January of 2022, the franchisee is now in her second season with the brand.  

With March being Women’s History Month, Mazzone and Worner shared their experiences and why they believe women make great Lawn Doctor franchisees. 

Being a Woman in a Traditionally Male-Dominated Industry

On the outside looking in, one might assume the lawn care industry is male-dominated. However, with women like Worner and Mazzone leading the way, that is changing. 

“I love working with female Lawn Doctor owners because each one breaks that societal norm about this industry,” said Worner. “There is so much that women bring to the table to help businesses thrive in general, and this industry is no different. I've seen women dive in and learn agronomy, the equipment, the software and every other aspect of the business. It’s empowering to watch them become so knowledgeable about a topic that other people might not expect them to be knowledgeable in.”  

Growing up on a farm, and later working in the restaurant industry, Mazonne is no stranger to working with her hands. She knows she has done things that are not typical for most people, and she continues to break stereotypes by building her business. 

“I can do this too,” she said. “I’m more than capable of doing this. I have the skills that I need to run this type of business. But it’s definitely surprising to some people when I get out to do a lawn evaluation. They don’t expect a woman to come to their home to talk about lawn care.” 

And being a woman in the industry has its unique advantages, says Worner, especially when it comes to speaking with the customers. 

“One of the biggest advantages that I've seen from female owners in this industry is the way that they speak with customers and build those relationships,” she said. “I've seen many men do this well, too, but women tend to understand the importance of building a strong relationship with customers, which ultimately leads to better customer retention and experience.” 

Support from Lawn Doctor

Having the backing of a major franchisor like Happinest means Lawn Doctor franchisees have the opportunity to enjoy full support from their corporate team, something that sets women up for success with the brand. 

“Lawn Doctor wants any owner to thrive, and we provide many resources and tools to help anyone thrive and become knowledgeable in the industry,” said Worner. “The brand is always learning, growing and tweaking our processes to provide the best resources to our franchisees so that they are able to provide the best service to the customer.” 

This is something that Mazzone can attest to and says that Lawn Doctor has been supportive in all areas—marketing to agronomy and everywhere in between. 

“Anytime that we have a question, we can reach out to them,” she said. “A business coach also comes and visits us multiple times a year. We have never felt like we were on our own with Lawn Doctor. We really do feel the support and camaraderie that we have with the team.” 

Having had a great experience of her own so far, the franchisee encourages other women who are considering business ownership to go for it. 

“Don’t be scared,” she advised. “It’s all about people. You’re building relationships and you're just nurturing those relationships. And you get to keep these customers year after year and live up to your brand name. I would encourage anyone to get into any type of field they want to, even if it’s looked at as male dominated.” 

The startup costs for a Lawn Doctor franchise range from $116,465–$141,815. To learn more about franchising with Lawn Doctor, visit


Since its first franchise in 1967, Lawn Doctor has established itself as a leader in the lawn care services industry through innovative technology, its ability to satisfy the needs of consumers on a national level and its development and expansion within the industry. Lawn Doctor specializes in treatment and conditioning services, such as fertilization, weed control, seeding, aeration and tree and shrub care. The Lawn Doctor brand has hundreds of locally owned and operated franchises and is the #1 ranked lawn care franchise in the United States. Lawn Doctor is a 2023 Franchise 500 brand, ranking no. 79 for its financial strength and stability, unit growth and brand power.

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.