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Franchise Deep Dive: Paris Baguette’s Franchise Costs, Fees, Profit and Data

With over 4,000 units around the world, Paris Baguette offers an elevated bakery café experience that allows franchisees to stand out in their communities.

LAST UPDATED: August 2023



REPORTED COST TO GET IN: $652,565-$1,750,900

REPORTED ROI (Item 19): $2,658,943

Paris Baguette, the global bakery café franchise with over 4,000 locations, brings a French-inspired experience to guests around the world. With pastries, bread and cakes made fresh daily, the franchise offers a level of quality and flavor that is difficult to find in similar concepts. 

As it expands rapidly in the U.S., Canada and other markets around the world, Paris Baguette has grown to be a leader in its field, offering an attractive opportunity for franchisees passionate about bringing something fresh to their communities.

How Many Paris Baguette Locations Are There?

Paris Baguette has over 4,000 locations established around the world, with 150 across the U.S. Its recent expansion to Canada brought a café to Ontario with plans to open seven more by the end of the year.

The franchise system is consistently expanding, largely driven by increasing demand for fresh, high-quality baked goods in markets nationwide and the passion of former guests who want to bring Paris Baguette to their own communities.

What Is the Paris Baguette Business Model?

Paris Baguette brings the French bakery café experience to markets around the world. In addition to its freshly baked goods, Paris Baguette leverages a careful interior design that is bright, welcoming and full of food theater. With a self-selection process, guests are able to browse the pastries of the day, making their selections as they enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of the bakery.

While the guest experience is a key contributor to Paris Baguette’s success, it is not the only driving factor. Paris Baguette offers a thorough training program and robust ongoing support to ensure franchisees feel prepared on opening day and beyond. With corporate marketing support and quarterly seasonal menu rollouts, local owners can achieve the visibility necessary to obtain long-term support.

How Much Can Paris Baguette Franchise Owners Make?

In 2022, Paris Baguette reported an average unit volume of $2,658,943, and this benchmark was exceeded by 46% of the cafés.

How Much Does It Cost To Open a Paris Baguette?

The initial investment required to open a Paris Baguette ranges from $652,565 to $1,750,900, including the franchise fee. The franchisor also has a $500K liquidity requirement.

What Is the Franchise Fee for Paris Baguette?

Paris Baguette charges a $50K franchise fee.

Who Is the Leadership of Paris Baguette?

What Helpful Articles Can I Read To Learn More?

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