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Former Mechanical Engineer Finds New Path with Sylvan Learning Franchise

Driven by her desire to bring quality education to children, Rashmi Sharma took over six Sylvan Learning centers in the Dallas-Fort Worth market.

By Victoria CampisiStaff Writer
SPONSORED 8:08AM 07/27/24

Rashmi Sharma, spent 15 years as a mechanical engineer in the oil and gas industry, going from Engineer-in-Training (EIT) to roles in project management and business strategy. After moving into the green energy sector for a few years she took a break due to her second child on the way, which was soon followed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Sharma took this opportunity to look into entrepreneurial pursuits. During this period, she discovered Sylvan Learning, motivated by her desire to keep her gifted child engaged with STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) activities. 

The opportunity to purchase six Sylvan Learning centers in Texas presented itself, leading Sharma to dive into the franchising world with a focus on education and personalized learning for children. Specifically, Sharma was attracted to Sylvan's model of personalized teaching, which she believes truly works with kids. 

1851 Franchise spoke with Sharma about her franchise journey with Sylvan Learning and plans for the future. 

1851 Franchise: Frame your personal story for us. What did you do before franchising, and how did you decide franchising made sense for you?

Rashmi Sharma: I'm a mechanical engineer by trade. I graduated from engineering and worked in oil and gas for about 15 years. I started as an Engineer-in-Training, moved up to project engineer, then project manager, and later worked as a construction manager. I was eventually promoted to business strategy, which is when I completed my MBA. I was engaged in corporate business strategy for the oil and gas sector when I had my first child. I decided to switch gears a little, and moved into green energy, which was also corporate. But when I got pregnant with my second child, I decided to take a break to pay attention to my almost “Two Under 2” situation with my babies. 

This was just a couple of months before COVID hit, so my break got extended through the pandemic. During this time, I solidified my take on working for myself as I've always had an entrepreneurial spirit. I started looking into different concepts like printing facilities and restaurants. I stumbled upon Sylvan because my older son is a gifted child, and I always had to keep him challenged and engaged with different STEM activities. That's when I discovered Sylvan and thought it could be a great fit for me and beneficial for my kids in the long run. An opportunity came up within Sylvan for a six-center sale, which excited me, and that's how I dove in.

1851: What was your perception of franchising prior to becoming a franchisee, and what do you want people to know about franchising now that you are in it?

Sharma: I always thought franchising would be the most explorable route for me. Starting a business from scratch without a support system seemed overwhelming. I've always been in corporate roles and had never done a business on my own — I did start a software development company, but that was more through leveraging our corporate relationships — so, the idea of starting something from scratch seemed daunting. Franchising appealed to me because it offers a tried-and-tested model. Franchises have usually worked out the kinks, understand their product and know how to market and sell it. We wanted to leverage that when starting our own enterprise, and Sylvan, being a franchise, made the most sense.

1851: What made you pick this brand? What excites you most about this company?

Sharma: I picked Sylvan because of my older son. He is a gifted child, and I thought it would be useful for him. When I researched Sylvan, I also studied the competition. Other brands mainly offered worksheet-based models or online programs, which don't connect with kids the same way as engaging with a student almost one-on-one. Understanding where they might be missing the boat in terms of understanding questions comes with that one-on-one touch with experienced teachers. Some kids don't do well in larger class settings and are easily distracted. With a close teacher-student connection, they internalize their lessons better, and their focus skyrockets. Sylvan's model of personalized teaching appealed to me because it truly works with the kids.

1851: What do you hope to achieve with your business? What are your plans for growth? 

Sharma: Our focus right now is to understand and stabilize our six centers. We want to leverage our relationships with local schools to spread the benefits of Sylvan in the community. We're here to support the mission of getting kids educated, especially considering the learning gaps that have emerged due to COVID. There’s a learning gap pandemic, especially in lower schools, which is propagating into middle schools. Kids are missing foundational skills in math, reading and writing, which are essential for their education going forward. Schools are crucial, but we are here as a support center to help bridge these gaps. Our future goal is to integrate more with schools and demonstrate the value we bring in helping kids learn better.

1851: What is the one thing about your story you want us to know?

Sharma: We are here to support our communities and families, whatever their journey may be. We plan to expand into as many communities as we can to support children's education. Learning is a basic right, not a privilege, and we want to ensure kids are getting what they need from the education system.

1851: What advice do you have for other people thinking about becoming a franchise owner?

Sharma: Ensure that you have household stability before taking on a new enterprise. Financial and household stability are crucial because, whether it’s your own enterprise or a franchise, the whole family gets involved to some extent. Even if one person is leading the effort, the spouse and kids are affected. Be flexible and adaptable to weather the storms and also enjoy the highs of the business. Flexibility and adaptability are key to managing family plans and goals alongside business seasons.


With more than 45 years of experience and more than 710 points of presence, Sylvan Learning is the leading provider of personal learning for students in grades K-12. Sylvan is transforming how students learn, inspiring them to succeed in school and in life. Sylvan’s proven tutoring approach blends amazing teachers with SylvanSync™ technology on the iPad® for an engaging learning experience. Sylvan also leads the way with Sylvan EDGE — STEM and accelerated courses and Sylvan Prep — college and test prep courses. Sylvan supports families through every stage of the academic journey.  For more information, visit

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.