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Leader Telegram: Director of EC Sylvan Learning Earns National Recognition

The Eau Claire Sylvan Learning executive director has been named one of the top 12 directors in the country.

By Nikki Crosthwaite1851 Franchise Contributor
SPONSOREDUpdated 4:16PM 07/01/22

Sylvan Learning, a 710-plus-point of presence supplemental and enrichment K–12 education franchise, annually recognizes its top 12 directors nationwide. Sylvia Dombrowski, center director of Sylvan Learning in Eau Claire, was recently honored on the list. 

Dombrowski has been with Sylvan Learning for 22 years. She chose a career in the tutoring business because of the personalized learning and advancement that Sylvan provides. Being recognized on Sylvan’s top 12 list is a major accomplishment for Dombrowski and Eau Claire's Sylvan Learning, as she will now provide insight to the entire Sylvan system to continue moving the brand in forward.

“I feel like they truly become my family,” said Dombrowski. “As a parent of a high schooler who is graduating next week, I feel like my Sylvan students are my own children, so their success and confidence is truly of the utmost importance to me.”

Click here to view the full article on Leader Telegram.

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