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Sylvan Learning Returns to National TV Advertising for the First Time Since 2014

For the past year, many children have struggled to keep pace with online learning. Now, the leading supplemental and enrichment education brand Sylvan Learning is launching a national TV campaign.

By 1851 Staff1851 Staff Contributions
SPONSOREDUpdated 9:09AM 05/18/21

Sylvan Learning, the world’s leading supplemental and enrichment education franchise with more than 750 points of presence across North America, will launch a national TV ad campaign for its deeply discounted $29 initial assessment aimed at students who are struggling with online learning as the pandemic has passed the one-year mark. 

Sylvan Learning has recognized the significant toll a year of online learning has taken on the country’s students, so for eight weeks in April and May, the brand is running ads on Over The Top (OTT) streaming platforms to offer its educational services to more families than ever before. The non-skippable ads will be featured on premium services including Hulu, SpotX and MiQ, the latter two of which will place ads on a wide variety of content sources and platforms. 

“Sylvan has seen education fall into chaos over the course of the pandemic, and we know our proven system can work to help students and families get back on track,” Amy Przywara, the brand’s chief marketing officer, said. “We’re returning to national TV advertising for the first time since 2014 to support our franchisees by helping them reach new markets on any device where streaming takes place.” 

Sylvan designed the ads to address the consumer mindset at the end of one of the most challenging school years ever. From April 12 to May 9, Sylvan’s ads will focus on how the brand can help students with learning and any gaps that appear before or during the summer. 

From May 10 to June 6, the brand will focus on addressing summer learning and the learning loss that happens between school years, emphasizing the need for parents to make sure that children remain educationally active. Importantly, the brand’s ads will make it clear that in-demand, face-to-face services are available alongside a variety of virtual options. 

“As the school year ends, Sylvan wants to let people know that their local center is accepting students and that each and every center has the tools to make a difference in a child’s life,” said Przywara. “Combined with our discounted $29 assessment, where we donate a minimum of $10 of the proceeds to local charities in addition to national donations to the Boys and Girls Clubs in America and Canada, this is part of our campaign to support franchisees by helping them support the growing need for supplemental education while giving back to their communities.” 

For Sylvan’s franchisees, putting thoughtful ads in front of the hundreds of millions of Americans who regularly stream video content from OTT platforms shows the brand’s commitment to keeping centers profitable. 

Having been a Sylvan franchisee for close to 30 years, I have personally seen the life-changing skills and confidence that Sylvan has brought to thousands of students in my learning centers -- one student at a time,” said multi-unit franchisee Dave Rosenbaum. “The power of TV enables us to convey the emotion of the Sylvan story. Sylvan is about more than gaining new academic skills. It is about changing lives and TV helps to convey that message. It makes me very happy to see Sylvan back on TV!”

Sylvan Learning’s franchisees share a passion for helping students and families grow through education, and by placing ads in major, national outlets, the brand’s corporate leaders are empowering their centers to help fight back against the tragic “COVID slide” impacting education. 


With more than 40 years of experience and more than 750 points of presence throughout North America, Sylvan Learning is the leading provider of personal learning for students in grades K-12. Sylvan is transforming how students learn, inspiring them to succeed in school and in life. Sylvan’s proven tutoring approach blends amazing teachers with SylvanSync™ technology on the iPad® for an engaging learning experience. Sylvan also leads the way with Sylvan EDGE—STEM and accelerated courses—and Sylvan Prep—college and test prep courses. Sylvan supports families through every stage of the academic journey. For more information, visit or

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